All posts tagged: diet

Pescan: A Feel Good Cookbook by Abbie Cornish & Jacqueline King

What is Pescan? The Easy Way to Eat Well and Feel Even Better!

In the book Pescan: A Feel Good Cookbook  Abbie Cornish and I share our favorite healthy and delicious recipes. We also go over basic cooking techniques and batch cooking at home. At the foundation of the book is the way we prefer to cook and eat, choosing foods that are not only tasty, but that also make us feel good. It’s a lifestyle that we both feel changed our lives for the better. We call this lifestyle “Pescan” Personally, eating pescan has given me a newfound sense of freedom around food. I can eat whenever I’m hungry, stop when I’m full, and always feel satisfied and nourished. Gone are the days of counting calories or yo-yo diets. I maintain a healthy weight without ever having to think about it, which is a welcome relief to someone who spent years dieting. I’m able to feed myself and my family in a way that is super nutritious but still feels like a joy rather than a burden. But what is pescan exactly?  Read on to find out more… …