All posts tagged: inspiration

Food for Thought- A New Kind of New Year’s Resolution

I had trouble deciding on a New Year’s resolution this year. I couldn’t really come up with anything that felt right. After a year of very clean living throughout my pregnancy and into the first couple of months of motherhood, I didn’t have any major vices to give up. More generic resolutions like “be kinder” didn’t feel proactive enough. After racking my brain I decided to stop thinking about it and trust that the right idea would eventually reveal itself. Finally on New Year’s Eve my yoga teacher casually threw out a little gem at the end of class, somewhere between “drink lots of water today” and “namaste”. I knew right then I had found an ideal mantra for the new year… What I love about it is rather than thinking of giving something up or framing things in the context of deprivation, this message encourages us to place value on the things that feed our growth, health and well-being. Let’s face it, sometimes we get attached to things that aren’t necessarily the best for …

Happy Anniversary to Us! Lessons from the first year and a Valentine’s Giveaway!

No my husband didn’t propose on Valentine’s. The “us” in the headline is you and me! It’s been a year since I started The Feel Good Kitchen and I wanted to write a bit about what I’ve learned, what’s to come, and announce our first giveaway. These lessons are in regards to blogging, but I think they can also apply to other businesses, projects or relationships which is why I wanted to share. 1. Commitment is Key- I dabbled in blogging for a couple of years before I started The Feel Good Kitchen. I never really gained any traction or audience before now because I wasn’t taking it seriously. If you don’t believe what you are doing is important, no one else will either. Why would people think my content had special value if I didn’t feel that way myself? Since I started FGK things have grown relatively quickly because I am committed to sharing healthy recipes and a lifestyle that has been life-changing for me. It’s a lot of work and there is still …