The Best Vanilla Coffee Creamer Ever!
This really is the best vanilla coffee creamer ever! I know that’s a bold claim but it’s true. Waking up is a little sweeter with a splash of this rich & creamy goodness in your morning joe. It’s all natural and packed with antioxidants and minerals. Cashews are an excellent source of copper, and a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The vanilla gives it an incredible fragrance and flavor. What it doesn’t have are any of the weird additives, preservatives or ingredients like palm oil that you find in the store-bought non-dairy creamers. This is one of the basics that I always have in my fridge. Hopefully it will be one of your favorites too. Enjoy! Ingredients: makes 2 cups 1/2 cup cashews soaked in water 2-4 hrs 1 1/2 cups filtered water 1 vanilla bean, split down the middle* 1 tsp maple syrup sea salt Drain and rinse the cashews in a strainer. Add to a blender along with the water and blend starting on low then bringing up to high speed until …