All posts tagged: coffee bean

Feel Good Blended Iced Mocha-Vanilla

Before I started to focus more on healthy eating I was addicted to a certain national coffee chain’s blended iced mocha drinks. It was pretty much a daily ritual. I decided to quit cold turkey when I did my yoga training several years ago which left me feeling pretty bad and groggy the first couple of days, but when you’re doing yoga all day you won’t feel miserable for long, so it certainly could have been worse. After training I decided that if my worst vice was morning coffee I was doing Ok, so I switched to a simple homemade brew with almond milk, which was great and definitely has a lot less crap in it than those blended drinks. Sometimes though… I still wanted my old fix. Which is why I’m so excited about my new mocha-vanilla ice-blended recipe made with only natural whole food ingredients. Did you know cacao has a higher anti-oxidant rating than blueberries and coffee is the number 1 anti-oxidant source in the American diet? This is mainly because americans in …